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I am getting an error when trying to upload thu...

Added: 03/07/2013   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago

Question   I am getting an error when trying to upload thumbnails to my capture pages Error 2: images/pages/2.jpg, what does this mean and how can I correct it?

Answer    I believe your problem is the image you are uploading is not jpg (must be jpg, can't use png).  If that isn't the issue, if you can forward us the file and we'll upload for you and see/fix the issue (could be invalid mime type of some issue with the file itself).

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Q. How do I add/change the thumbnails that appears for the capture pages?

A. Go to Pages in the admin menu (/admin/editpages)
Edit Pages

Click on the upload thumbnail icon 
Upload Thumbnail Icon

The image must be jpg format. (Best Results 196x187)

Uploading Thumbnail

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I upload a new thumbnail for a page?

A. Manage Pages

When logged in as the admin go to "Pages"

Upload Thumbnail

Click thumbnail icon to upload a thumbnail for a specific page

Upload the thumbnail. The thumbnail you upload MUST be .jpg format. Also, for best quality the image should be 196px in width and 187px in height.

Often because of browser caching you may not see the change right away. Even though you do not see the image, the image still was successfully replaced. To see the new image, either try a new browser OR if using FireFox, right click on the thumbnail you see, select view image, hit refresh (now you will see the new image you uploaded), then click the back button and hit refresh again. This will empty your cache in FireFox so you can see the new image you uploaded.

Ask For Clarification

Q. A member paid through Payza then when she went to set up her account. She had an error saying that she did not use the same email address that she pay with. What should I do?

A. When this happens what you should do is check to see if you have any processing records.  Most of the time when this happens it is because the person is using a different email than the primary one in the Payza account used to pay with.  If this is the case, you will see a processing record with the username temp987 and it will show the correct email for the member to use to join with.  If this isn't the problem, next, go to the billing report page and try to search for the Payza transaction number and see if you can find it that way.  If you still don't find it, it means that either Payza is not correctly setup in the Payza account, or the payment was made using a custom button (not one generated by our software) and the custom button isn't setup correct.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Why am I getting the following error when trying to opt-into?

A. Under Advanced Features there is a setting Allow Members To Import Contacts.
The message you see happens if someone using the same IP as a member goes over the limit of adding contacts for the day.

Set this to a higher number.

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Question Keywords: error, upload thumbnail, jpg

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