Web Marketing Tool
Email Accounts
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

Added: 05/25/2012   |   Updated: 9 Years Ago
Email Accounts
You can create email accounts for your domain name through the WMT Client Admin.

Creating An Email Account
  1. When logged into the WMT Client Admin go to the page for the site you want to add an email to.
  2. Under the "Site" tab click on the "Add An Email Account" tab.
  3. Here you will have 2 options:
    1. FORWARDING - To setup an email that forwards to another email, fill out the form on the right. It will assign a password to your email that you can use if you need to send out emails.
    2. NO FORWARDING - To setup an normal email account without forwarding, fill out the form on the left.
  • When filling out the form, in the email address only include the username of the email. For example, if creating the email john@mydomain.com only put john in the field and do not include @mydomain.com
  • When filling out the form put everything in lowercase.
  • You can check your mail at mail.yourdomain.com OR you can use your own 3rd party mail client.

Questions And Answers

How can members setup their own email account? exa: username@yourdomain.com?

How do I connect my email account to GMail?

In "advanced features" --> "email technical" --> no-reply@domainname.com - How do I access those emails?

As the site it's hosted with you, can I create an email addresses like myname@domainname.com and admin@domainname.com that I can access?

How can I create an email like sales@domainname.com?

How can I setup my software to make sure I do not get charged overages for emails?

When creating an email account I can't include @ in the email. How do I create email?

Is it possible to use a third party email delivery service (SMTP) with the system?

How do I manually create an email account in the mysql database?

How do I setup an autoresponder message (exa: on vacation message) using Outlook?

How do I synchronize my Roundcube email account with Outlook?

How do I setup an autoresponder message (exa: on vacation message) using Gmail?

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