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Can you setup replicating websites?

Added: 07/13/2011   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago

Question   Can you setup replicating websites?

Answer    Yes. We can have your capture page replicate with a member's custom information automatically displayed.  It will store their lead's generated from the capture page in their members area that they login to.  They can be given the option to edit pages and have pages redirect to a replicating thank you page, a replicating website, or a 3rd party affiliate program being promoted.

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Q. If I upload my replicating websites do I need to add any PHP code so that the web pages replicate for my members?

A. If you are uploading new php files to the server which you wish to replicate out, then yes there is specific php code you should use in the page.  Click here to learn more about how to install a page and the php code involved.

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Q. Can i replicate my current software on another domain with the exact same pages and everything except to go to a different landing page and autoresponder messages?

A. Yes, you can do that.  Our term for it is: Piggyback Domain.

A piggyback domain would be a extra Fee, also this does not include installing any pages on the piggyback domain.
It only includes setting up the domain so it is attached to the software.
Installing any pages would be the normal fee for installing a page.
If copying existing pages that are already installed, it is cheapest to have them copied over as a support request.

For more details and to view Price-List < Click here >

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Q. Can a site be replicated onto a member's personal domain instead of domainname.com/username the site would replicate onto uniquedomain.com?

A. A piggyback domain can be added to the system, and then it can replicate for the member.  However, the piggyback has to be hosted on our server (not on the member's own hosting account).  Also, members can use forwarding with masking (or frames) to do a similar affect (this can be done through the company they purchased their domain name from).

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Question Keywords: setup replicating system

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