Web Marketing Tool
Email Broadcast
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

Added: 08/09/2010   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago
SEND BROADCAST MESSAGE- Allows members to send an instant message to their contacts.

Broadcast Messages

Questions And Answers

How do I change who an email is sent from and the reply email when sending mail to members?

Can Members Send BROADCASTS more Often?

How do I change broadcast feature where I can send out emails whenever i want vs. every 5 days?

How would I send out a broadcast message to contacts?

How do I change broadcast frequency from 7 days to less or more?

Is there a certain amount of emails each member's account can broadcast per day or week?

If I as admin send out an email broadcast to ALL (users) contacts will accounts flagged as "suspended" contacts get the email too? or just active accounts?

If I begin blasting an email to members, do I have to remain logged in for the emails to be sent?

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