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Is there a way to change the color of the calen...

Added: 07/14/2012   |   Updated: 4 Years Ago

Question   Is there a way to change the color of the calendar?

Answer    Yes
 There are a few different properties to the bottom titled calendar SOMETHING for each of the different items of the calendar.  Also, if you prefer you can send us the color codes, or images or the colors you want and we'll change for you as a support request.

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Q. In the genealogy list will there be a different color for third and fourth level similar to how the second level is yellow?

A. It will show yellow for the 2nd level and beyond.
Instead of the color changing what it does is add an - in front of their name for each level.
So, for example, if someone is in the 4th level they would show as: ---- John Doe.
If you believe it would be helpful to have the colors change we can put an upgrade request in for it.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I edit the calendar notification messages?

A. You can edit both the SMS notification and the email notification that is sent before a calendar appointment.

File Manager Shortcut Link
Go to the File Manager
Click the "/adminpages/misc" link at the top as the shortcut to that folder.

Calendar Email Notification

Edit the following files:

Calendar SMS Notification

Edit the following files:

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is there a way to add something to the Admin calendar that automatically adds to EVERY members calendar so that if they set up sms notifications they will get notifications when I add something to the calendar?

A. Yes, when adding an item to the calendar there is a drop down titled "Assign To" and you can define if it is for all members, some members, or not for members.

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Question Keywords: calendar, change color

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