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Can a privacy policy be added to the capture pa...

Added: 08/07/2012   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   Can a privacy policy be added to the capture page below the footer?

Answer    Yes, we can add a privacy policy to the footer as a specials support request.

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Q. When updating the privacy policy page, changes do not appear on the page, what is causing the issue?

A. Members are able to edit the privacy policy themselves. If they edit it, then it turns off their privacy policy. If the client doesn't want this, then in the database delete all results in the privacypolicy table in the database, and disable the page where the member can edit the privacy policy at. Below is a link showing where you can see the privacy policy stored in the admin: https://YOURDOMAIN.com/privacypolicy.php?id=2 This is because the user with the id of 2 has never edited the privacy policy to create their own custom version.

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