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Do we have access to the source code to make ed...

Added: 05/13/2013   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   Do we have access to the source code to make edits? Or is it encrypted?

Answer    No, you didn`t have access. is it encrypted

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Q. What are the files in the file manager that have filenames such as: XXXXXXX-75.WMTBACKUP

A. These are backups that are made for each person.  So each person has an id and the id is their backup so they can see their most recent backup.  This is only done if using the file manager within the client admin.  If using sFTP or other means to edit the file it does not track changes.

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Q. Do I have access to the code? Can my php programmer make changes for me?

A. The php code is encrypted so you cannot modify it.  However, every php page has a matching html template file which you can customize, and you can also use iframes in it to add custom php code.

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Question Keywords: source code

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