Web Marketing Tool
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

I added new capture pages and they are not in t...

Added: 05/17/2013   |   Updated: 8 Years Ago

Question   I added new capture pages and they are not in the WYSIWYG editor. How do I make the entire page 100% editable?

Answer    1-go to edit pages
2-click on the edit page icon beside the page that you want to be editable
3-make the editable option (yes) and click save
4-return back to the same page and at the bottom click add capture page content
5-go to the file manger and copy and paste the code you want to be editable in the WYSIWYG and replace that in the file with <?php echo $body; ?>

*It is typically better to let us do this for you as not to mess things up.

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