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How can I display a contact's information (exa:...

Added: 07/16/2011   |   Updated: 13 Years Ago

Question   How can I display a contact's information (exa: first name) on a page?

Answer    When a contact fills out the form on a capture page their first name is stored in a cookie called "lname" and their email is stored in a cookie called "lemail".

The php code to display their first name is:
<?php echo $_COOKIE["lname"]; ?>

The php code to display their email is:
<?php echo $_COOKIE["lemail"]; ?>

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Q. Can dynamic code make it so that when a contact enters their information on the capture page, then the next page displays their name (exa: Congratulations John)?

A. Yes, it is possible to do this.
It can be done through the WYSIWYG editor by using the ~contactfirstname~ code.
If doing it in the php file you can display it by accessing the lname cookie using the code: <?php echo $_COOKIE["lname"]; ?>

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