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Can the software utilize the members email addr...

Added: 04/05/2012   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   Can the software utilize the members email address as the outbound mailing server rather than utilizing the hosting email exchange server? (rather than using syn.com the mailing server can we use the members g-mail account)

Answer    It is not possible to have the emails actually come from a persons 3rd party email account (exa: GMail).  However, the respond to email address is always set to the email address of the Member (so if someone responds to the email it would respond to their gmail).
Also, it is possible to force it to "look" like it was sent from their email, but we do not advise this as it causes email delivery rates to be lower.  Also, it is possible for us to build out a feature allowing it to send the emails through their 3rd party email (we would do the major ones like GMail and Yahoo) as an upgrade request.

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Email Marketing Tool Overview

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Fill out the form below to ask for further clarification about this question:


Q. How can members setup their own email account? exa: username@yourdomain.com?

A. It is automatically created for them based off their username.  There is a delay in creating them (emails are created currently twice a day).

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Question Keywords: member email, outbound mailing server

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