Our social media marketing tools use the best white hat social marketing and viral marketing methods to get your site noticed. Leverage friends and family of visitors to boost traffic to your site.
Visitors Can Import Their Friends Into Your Contact List
The social importer is a powerful tool for Google, Yahoo and email accounts. When someone clicks the share button they are shown a list of their friends and check boxes next to each one. Anyone they select is instantly imported into your contacts. This feature works with Google, Yahoo and most email accounts.
Facebook Video Optin Form
When posting videos with Facebook we provide a tool which allows you to include an optin form below the video. This is a great way to grow your contact list and add people to your newsletter by having them fill out the form directly on their Facebook pages.
Social Submission Services
We can help you manage your social media marketing by providing submission services. Providing constant updates to your social websites is an important aspect of a health social media marketing campaign. We outsource overseas to get the best rates for having someone manage your social media. Our team can setup social accounts for you and manage them by providing daily, weekly or monthly updates. They can also do other social services such as tagging photos, sending friend invitations, posting comments, and more. Anything you need, we are here to help!