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Can GVO be integrated with your capture page Me...

Added: 01/20/2013   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   Can GVO be integrated with your capture page Member Area?

Answer    Yes, GVO can be used as a 3rd party autoresponder.

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Fill out the form below to ask for further clarification about this question:


Q. How can I add Pure Leverage to my system?

A. Note: This 3rd party autoresponder comes already setup when we install your system. If you have deleted it and want to add it back use the instructions below. If you prefer you can have us add it for you by creating a support request

1- Go to 3rd Party Autoresponders after login as admin

2- Check if Pure Leverage already exists if not then add a new 3rd party autoresponder

3- Enter Pure Leverage as title, it will show other fields

4- Fill the form using the table below

Title Pure Leverage
Field 1 Title Pure Leverage tracking Code
Field 2 Title Pure Leverage Username
Field 3 Title
Form Target http://gogvo.com/subscribe.php
Hidden Fields <input type="hidden" name="trackingCode" value="~field1title~" >
<input type="hidden" name="AffiliateName" value="~field2title~" >
<input type="hidden" name="OptIn" value="0" >
<input type="hidden" name="ThankyouPage" value="~redirect~" >
<input type="hidden" value="1" name="AL">
<input type="hidden" value="10" name="LS">
First Name Form Name FirstName
Last Name Form Name
Email Form Name Email
Phone Form Name
Address Form Name
City Form Name
State Form Name
Zipcode Form Name
Additional Form Names Prefix

Ask For Clarification

Q. How can I add gvo to my system?

A. Note: This 3rd party autoresponder comes already setup when we install your system. If you have deleted it and want to add it back use the instructions below. If you prefer you can have us add it for you by creating a support request

1- Go to 3rd Party Autoresponders after login as admin

2- Check if GVO already exists if not then add a new 3rd party autoresponder using the form on the right hand side

3- Enter GVO as title, it will show other fields

4- Fill the form using the table below

Title GVO
Field 1 Title GVO tracking Name
Field 2 Title GVO Username
Field 3 Title
Form Target http://www.gogvo.com/subscribe.php
Hidden Fields <input type="hidden" name="tracking" value="~field1title~" >
<input type="hidden" name="AffiliateName" value="~field2title~" >
<input type="hidden" name="OptIn" value="0" >
<input type="hidden" name="PassFormData" value="0" >
<input type="hidden" name="TrackerName" value="0" >
<input type="hidden" name="ThankyouPage" value="~redirect~" >
<input type="hidden" name="SignedUpPage" value="~redirect~" >
First Name Form Name FullName
Last Name Form Name LastName
Email Form Name Email
Phone Form Name Custom1
Address Form Name
City Form Name
State Form Name
Zipcode Form Name
Additional Form Names Prefix

Ask For Clarification

Q. Can I integrate another auto-responder such as gvo instead of Aweber or GetResponse?

A. Yes, you can integrate Pure Leverage / GVO as well as most other autoresponders besides Aweber and Getresponse.  Both Pure Leverage and GVO (2 products from the same company) come installed as an option by default.  As of May 2016, 9 3rd party autoresponders come installed with the software, however, most any autoresponder can be added as a support request.  If you want GVO and your software is missing it then you can add it following the instructions for adding GVO.

Ask For Clarification

Question Keywords: gvo

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