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What code do I use to remove the time line from...

Added: 02/18/2012   |   Updated: 13 Years Ago

Question   What code do I use to remove the time line from the flow player ?

Answer    Below is a document from FlowPlayer describing this:


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Q. Can I upload a video to a blank capture page or does it have to be embed code?

A. It has to be embed code.  With Premium hosting you can upload videos to the server, and then use FlowPlayer code to play it (or, we can do it for you).

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Q. Can we stream our videos from our hosting (exa: hostgator) without paying any bandwidth to you?

A. Yes, you can.  Upload the video to your HostGator site, and then the URL for the video on that site when adding it to your capture/landing page.  So, if using FlowPlayer to play the videos, you would just use the URL from the other domain with HostGator.

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Question Keywords: flowplayer

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