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Can audio or video be added to my pages?

Added: 07/13/2011   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago

Question   Can audio or video be added to my pages?

Answer    Yes, You can add audio or video to any of your pages.

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Q. Do you have capture pages that we can add video to?

A. Yes, you can add Videos and also Audio to most of our capture pages templates.  Also, you can create your own page with a video using our page creator wizard.

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Q. Can I add content under my landing page, instead of just the video there now?

A. Yes, you can add as much content as you would like to your landing page(s).

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Q. When we request capture page videos to be editable is it a software upgrade, or does it happen per capture page?

A. It happens per a capture page and does not require an upgrade request.

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Q. what is a video squeeze page?

A. A capture page with a video on it.

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Question Keywords: audio, add video landing page

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