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How do I synchronize my Roundcube email account...

Added: 06/01/2016   |   Updated: 2 Years Ago

Question   How do I synchronize my Roundcube email account with Outlook?

Answer    Below are instructions how to Synchronize Rouundcube email with outlook

Note: Sending emails using outlook is not available without a dedicated server.

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Email Accounts

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Q. is there a way to set up my email account in Apple Mail? If so what are the settings?

Note: Sending emails using outlook is not available without a dedicated server.

  1. Open Mail. If you haven't added a new account yet, you'll be taken directly to the Add Account prompt. If you're adding an additional account, or this prompt doesn't otherwise load automatically, you'll need to select Add Account from the Mail menu.
  2. From the Add Account prompt, select Add Other Mail Account... and click Continue.
  3. Enter your email account information.
    • Full Name: Your name as you would like it to appear.
    • Email Address: Your full email address.
    • Password: The password for your email account.

  4. Next, enter your incoming mail server information.
    • Account Type: POP
    • Mail Server:Use your IP address or mail.yourdomain.com
    • User Name: Your full email address.
    • Password: The password for your email account.
  5. Click the Next button to proceed. You will be taken to a second screen to confirm additional details.
    • Path Prefix: Leave this area blank.
    • Port: 110
  6. Next, we'll configure the Outgoing Mail Server.
    • SMTP Server:Use your IP address or mail.yourdomain.com.
    • User Name: Your full email address
    • Password: The password you assigned to the email account
  7. Click the Create button when you're ready
  8. Your email account has been created, but you'll want to verify a few steps before you get started. Select "Preferences" from the Mail menu, and click on the "Accounts" tab from the Preferences window
  9. Select your new account from the left hand column
  10. Click the "Advanced" tab and uncheck the box to "Automatically detect and maintain account settings."
  11. Navigate back to the "Account Information" tab. This time, select Edit SMTP Server List... from the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) drop-down menu
  12. You will be taken to the SMTP server list. Click the Advanced tab and verify the following settings:
    • Be sure the box to "Automatically detect and maintain account settings" is not checked!
    • Outgoing mail port. 25
    • Select "Password" from the Authentication drop-down menu, and make sure the "Allow insecure authentication" box IS checked. If you don't see this option, you may need to update Apple Mail or Yosemite to the newest version.


Ask For Clarification

Q. When creating an email account I can't include @ in the email. How do I create email?

A. When creating an email account do not include the @ or the information after it.  For example, if your site is mydomain.com and the email you are trying to create is test@mydomain.com, then in the form to create an email enter test as the email and NOT test@mydomain.com.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is it possible to use a third party email delivery service (smtp) with the system?

A. It's possible to use a separate SMTP server, but the email accounts for members won't work.  This won't prevent anything from function (like notifications), just they will no longer have their own email account.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I setup an autoresponder message (exa: on vacation message) using outlook?

A. Create a new message to use as your autoresponder template

Click the Office button --> save as
Select Outlook Template under Save as type

Select Tools>> Rules and Alerts... from the menu in the Outlook window.

Click New Rule...

Choose check messages when they arrive

Check Where my name is in the To box under Select condition(s), and click Next.

Check reply using a specific template under Select action(s), and Click on a specific template under Edit the rule description.

Select User Templates in File System under Look In:, select the template that created before and click Open. Click Next.

Check Except if it is an Out of Office message under Select exception(s), and click Next.

Type a name for your auto reply rule under Specify a name for this rule, and click Finish.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I connect my email account to GMail?


STEP 1) Add Email Address From Settings

STEP 2) Enter Email Settings

If you are on a shared server you can ask your server name but typically it is recordlabelsoftware.com. You can get your email address and password under editing the site.

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Q. How do I manually create an email account in the mysql database?

Question Keywords: email account, smtp setting, roundcube

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