Added: 06/13/2016 | Updated: 8 Years Ago
Question How do I edit the report spam/optout footer that is added to every email?
You are able to customize the optout and report spam message that appears at the bottom of every email sent. In order to do this you must put the ~~ for both the report spam URL and the optout URL inside the body of the email message.
The 2 codes to use for these are
~optouturl~ and
~reportspamurl~ and once both of these appear in the body the default message will disappear.
It is against our terms and not allowed to try to hide or remove this message completely. You may customize it, but it must appear visibly somewhere in the email.
When you setup these 2 codes you also gain the following ~~ codes which you can use to display the other dynamic information which appears in the footer:
~signature~ = The signature of the member when signatures are turned on
~fulladdress~ = The full address of the member or the admin based settings (please note, that CAN SPAM requires a full address to show in marketing/commercial emails that are sent).
~optinurl~ = The URL of the capture page that the contact originally opted in through
~optintime~ = The time/date of when the conact originally opted in.
~opinip~ = The IP of the contact when they originally opted in.