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What functionality is lost if I turn off cookie...

Added: 04/02/2012   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   What functionality is lost if I turn off cookie tracking?

Answer    Cookie tracking sets it up so that if an contact visits the home page OR enters a bad username OR visits the admin's page, that it will check if a cookie exists from them visiting an member site in the past.  If the cookie exists (meaning they've previously seen an member page), then it will redirect them to the member primary capture page.
If you turn off cookie tracking then this will not occur.

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Q. If I turn on cookies will that turn it on for the piggybacks as well?

A. Cookies do not pass between domains so they would only work on the domain that set the cookie, which if it is set from contactadd.php then it is on the primary site.

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Q. Why are the contacts from my main capture page going to one of my members?

A. Cookie tracking sets it up so that if an contact visits the home page OR enters a bad username OR visits the admin's page, that it will check if a cookie exists from them visiting an member site in the past.  If the cookie exists (meaning they've previously seen an member page), then it will redirect them to the member primary capture page.
If you turn off cookie tracking then this will not occur.

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