Web Marketing Tool
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

Where is our replicated webpage that people wil...

Added: 04/19/2012   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago

Question   Where is our replicated webpage that people will be able to join our program located at?

Answer    If you are charging for your software and not using the Direct Payment feature (by default it is not on, and requires a plugin) then you send new members to the order page to make payment.  The url for the order page is:
If you are tracking genealogy or paying out commissions then the member should put their username at the end of the url as shown below:

If you are either giving free accounts OR using direct payment then you should send them to this url:
If you are tracking genealogy or paying out commissions then the member should put their username at the end of the url as shown below:

NOTE: In all of the examples above replace yourdomain.com with your domain name.

Related Documents

Order/Signup Overview

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Q. How do I make links click-able in the auto-responder message? what url do I use to ensure the link replicates to the members page?

A. Click on the Chainlink looking icon in the middle of all the icons in the editor.
Put this at the end of every url going to a capture/landing page: ?user=~username~

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