Web Marketing Tool
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What is the maximum number of capture pages I a...

Added: 08/08/2011   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   What is the maximum number of capture pages I am allowed to create?


You can add almost UNLIMITED Pages...

You can put unique content on each template, but you can only use each template once. We have 500+ templates, including several blank ones where you can copy content from one page to the next then modify it for a different opportunity. In September 2011 we release the ability to have multiple versions of the same template.

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Q. How may capture pages can I have with the Pro Software?

A. A Pro Software includes 1 capture page.
However, you can install as many additional pages as you like.
You can either install pages yourself, or for a small fee for us to install a page for you.

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Question Keywords: number capture page

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