Web Marketing Tool
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

How do I add people to the rotator?

Added: 07/12/2012   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   How do I add people to the rotator?

Answer    To add an Member to the rotator go to view Members, then click on the link that says "Active" for the Member you want to assign to the rotator.
In the pop-up window click on "Rotator".

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Q. If I purchase 4 different capture pages would each page have it's own unique url in order to use all 4 at the same time or are members restricted to only 1 url at a time?

A. Yes, the 4 pages will each have their own url.

Members can use all 4 pages at the same time by using the unique URL for the page.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is the rotator based on optins or on traffic?

A. It is completely random. The rotator randomly rotates between those that are in the rotator.

There is an Ad Coop Tool which each ad coop has a rotator and you choose if the shares are based off traffic or optins.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Does the software have the capability of rotating contacts to specific memberships/members?

A. Yes, the software comes with a rotator that you can add contacts to.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How can I choose different capture page templates? Also, can I have more than one capture page running at a time?

A. YES, You can have as many capture pages as you want. If you want, you can have each capture page have it's own unique set of autoresponse messages.
You can chose capture page templates from our current list at https://webmarketingtool.com/templates.php.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Does your software come with a rotator?

Both the Team and the Pro Software offer a rotator feature which allows members pages to rotate for even traffic flow.

Ask For Clarification

Q. rotator weight - I assume the higher number means they get a higher
share of the rotator traffic, correct?

Q. Is it possible to have more rotators?

Question Keywords: rotator

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