A. With the page creator tool you can easily add blank pages yourself.
If you don't have the tool, or want us to install blank php pages (a capture page with it's own php file) then there is a charge per page for installation.
If you are intending to install a number of blank pages it will likely be more cost effective for you to setup a
support request to install X number of blank pages. The support credits and time used will be less money than paying the flat fee to install blank pages.
We also have instructions for installing blank php pages that is easy to follow for anyone who knows php or anyone who is tech savvy.

A. Page Installation Modifications
This document explains new methods for installing pages starting with version 4.94. This is the preferred way to installing pages.
Content in Editor
The content of theshould be in the editor so more features work. Make it editable by members if page is editable by members, and put it there, instead of in the php file.
Using CSS Files
It is preferred to have css inside the head rather than included in a css file.
This does not apply to css related to 3rd party stuff (exa: bootstrap, or jquery mobile, or if slider, etc. For those includes in the header on page.php don't put the css code from inside the file, but put the )
Most Important CSS Items in Editor
The most important things to have inside of a