Added: 08/26/2010 | Updated: 4 Years Ago
Editing Pages as the Admin

From edit pages ( there are 2 edit icons. The first one takes you to edit the page as the admin. On this page you are given additional options for editing the page such as editing the file name and editable content.
Adding/Changing the Thumbnail

On Edit Pages there is an icon that looks like a picture and will bring you to the thumbnail upload page. Take a screenshot of your page and crop/scale it down to 196x187. Then use the Browse button to upload the new image. The image needs to be in
jpeg format.
You may also use the thumbnail button located when testing a page to have the system generate a thumbnail for the page.
Overview of the Page Settings
Below is an explanation of the different settings when editing a page:
Type of Page (Required)- There are two different page types:
Capture Page and
Landing Page (AKA "Thank You" page). A capture page is any page with a form. A landing page is any page without a form.
Title (Required)- The title of the page that will appear in the top of the visitors browser and in search engines.
Filename (Required) - The filename for a page. It must be a PHP file with specific PHP code added to it for it to replicate.
Editable (Optional)- If the page should be editable (even if only the title, description, etc. is editable) then select Yes.
If you prefer to edit everything through the File Manager select No.
NOTE: When selecting Yes you can still override items through the File Manager (but then they do not work for the member where applicable).
Description (Optional) - A brief description of the page for search engines.
Keywords (Optional) - Keywords of the page for search engines.
Redirect URL (Optional)- The URL that a contact is sent to after they fill out the form on the capture page. This field overrides the redirect URL in advanced features and the redirect URL in My Personal Info. ~ausername~ passes the members username (Example: If the is left blank then it uses either the setting the member has under Settings or the setting under Advanced Features.
Membership (Optional)- For a Pro system if only allowing a specific membership access to the page.
Members Can Edit Page (Optional)- Requires either a Pro system. Allows a member the ability to edit at least the title, description, keywords, redirect url, contact group and the 3rd party autoresponder through the members area
Notes (Optional) - Notes about the page to appear on the edit capture page for this page above the WYSIWYG editor.
Editable Page Content
In addition to the title, redirect url, etc. being editable you can also define sections of the page (or entire page) to be editable from the members area by members (or by yourself).
Entire Page vs Many Editable Sections
When creating editable pages it is best practice to make sections editable instead of the entire page to make it easier for members to edit items and to prevent them from messing things up.
Turning on Editable Page Content
When installing editable pages set "Editable" to "Yes" and then a section for adding editable content will appear at the bottom of the page.
Overview of the Page Content Settings
Type - The type of content (WYSIWYG, text, video, etc).
WYSIWYG - What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get
Location HEAD - To have it added to the <head> section of the page.
BODY - To have the page
Position (optional) - The value of the css position attribute for the div. It is better to use class instead.
Members Can Edit - Whether or not members can edit this section. If set to no only the admin can edit it.
Style (optional) - The css style code added to the div. It is better to use class instead.
Class (optional) - The class the div is assigned to.
Width (optional) - The width of the div. It is preferred to use class except for editable video sections.
Height (optional) - The height of the div. It is preferred to use class except for editable video sections.
Value (optional) - The value to load it with.
DIV Wrapping
. If providing a value for style, class, width, height or position then the editable section is wrapped in a div with the specified values added. If not providing a value for any of these settings then the editable content is not wrapped in a div.
Capture Page PHP Variables for more information on the special PHP code needed and variables available within the PHP.
Questions And Answers
How can I change the filename of a landing/capture page myself?
Can I change the filenames of my current capture/landing pages that are already installed?
After installing a page, how do we make it visible to the members?
How do I assign a page to a content group?