Web Marketing Tool
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Can your company design my capture page accordi...

Added: 09/18/2012   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   Can your company design my capture page according to my specific business, product, or service?

Answer    Yes, we do offer custom capture page designs.

We would design the capture page to market your specific buisness, product, and service.
Our software is also customizable, using a support request and upgrade request process to enable you to better market your specific business, product, and service.

For more details and to view Price-List < Click here >

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Q. Does your software include design work?

A. Our software by itself does not include any design work. Design work is something totally separate. You can use any one of the templates we offer or you can hire us to create a design, or you can provide the design.  Only 1 template is currently included (unless otherwise advertised on our Price List) if no design is purchased or provided (otherwise no templates are included).

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Q. How do I send you my landing page that I had designed for me?

A. You can send the files in a zip or rar file as an attachment to sales@webmarketingtool.com.
If the zip file is over 4mb then first upload at rapidshare.com (it's free and doesn't require registration)
and send us the download link they provide.

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Q. If someone wanted to make their own capture page to tie into the software, what is the autoresponder code for them to use?

A. When logged in as the particular Member go to "HTML Form Code" and then you can generate the code to use there.
Also, you can use it to see what codes to use in case they are redesigning the form.

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Q. Do you create Logos and Banners? And can you also handle other graphical work ?

A. YES, we can design a Logo for you.
YES, we can do Banner Design
YES, we can do also other graphical work (Photoshop) for you.

The cost will depend on the complexity of the design.

For more details and to view Price-List < Click here >

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Q. Can I use websites designed with word press with your platform? And what other design options are available?


Yes, we can use any sites designed in Wordpress.
We can install the pages the you create. We can not replicate, exactly, a page that you do not own the rights to.
We can, however, take a page you like and design something similar.

Designs start at $50++  We also have a large selection of templates available.
They can be viewed here: https://webmarketingtool.com/templates.php


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Question Keywords: design capture page

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