A. If you transfer your domain name then you will no longer have the old domain name,
and people will login at the new domain name to access their members area.
If you do a piggyback domain then you keep the old domain,
and people would login at the old domain, not the new piggyback domain.
A. A piggyback domain is an additional domain added to your Software which replicates for all of your Members.
For example, if the domain name for your Software is yoursystem.com, you can also have additional domains setup with replicating pages.
These additional domains are called piggyback domains. So, if a user with the username "demo" belongs to yoursystem.com,
and you add a piggyback domain called yourpiggyback.com, then yourpiggyback.com/demo will be username demo's replicated page on the piggyback domain.
A piggyback domain you would have to by separately.
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