Web Marketing Tool
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With the Team software, can you have two busine...

Added: 01/15/2013   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   With the Team software, can you have two businesses promoted in the members area?

Answer    Yes, as long as all members have access to both business.
If you need some members to have access to only 1 business, and others only access to another business, then you would need the Pro Software.

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Q. Is there a way to make it so if some one joins program A their software will be setup for program A and If some one joins program B their software will be set for program B?

A. Yes, with a PRO Software you are able to do this.  You can setup multiple packages and setup so that Members can join into a specific package.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Do I need to purchase anything extra in order to be able to charge people for my software?

A. Yes, you need to purchase the billing tool.

Ask For Clarification

Q. I want to sell multiple memberships on my site. Do I need your $175 or $600 tool box?

A. Because you are selling multiple memberships you would need the $600 Tool Truck.

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Question Keywords: team system, multiple program

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