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How do I password protect a capture/landing pag...

Added: 01/17/2013   |   Updated: 8 Months Ago

Question   How do I password protect a capture/landing page?

Answer    Password Protected Page

1- when editing the page click the Page Settings from top menu -> Password Protect, and you will see an option for password protection where you can turn it on to have it password protected.
Then click save changes.

Turn on password protected

2- Now this page will redirect to http://YOURDOMAIN/leadlogin.php

Each contact has a password assigned to them. You can put the password into an email sent to them using the code ~password~.
You can view/edit the password when editing the contact.

Related Documents

Password Protected pages

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Q. Should I get a security certification for my site?

A. If you will be accepting payments with First Data or Authorize.net, then yes we advise getting an SSL certificate, and you very likely could be required to get one anyways.

If not using either of those payment processors for this software, then it is not required but still can be beneficial.  There are other benefits of having SSL such as a slight SEO boost with Google and a more secure members area.  Between the certificate and installation fees it costs over $50-100/yr to have SSL.

Ask For Clarification

Q. What are the security measures and back ups for data members provide when they sign up? Is financial information stored?

A. All Data is stored in a mysql server which is backed up on a daily basis.
We do not store financial information such as credit card numbers.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is it possible to password protect a page or even multiple pages?

A. Yes, You can make capture/landing pages password protected so a contact must enter their password to view it. This can be done without any coding knowledge.

Also, you can create resource pages in the Members Area for members to view without any coding knowledge.

Also, we have instructions for creating members area pages if you need to create custom member area pages that need custom php code added to them.

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Question Keywords: security, password protect

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