Web Marketing Tool
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How do I create my own custom "Order Page&#...

Added: 01/29/2013   |   Updated: 8 Months Ago

Question   How do I create my own custom "Order Page" for when people want to purchase the software?

Answer    When logged in as the admin go to 'Edit Pages' then click 'Edit Order Page'.
Also, you can edit the html for the page by editing /adminpages/order.html

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Order/Signup Overview

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Q. Do I own the rights to the software and code once I purchase?

A. No, you do not own the rights to the software/code.

Instead, you are given a license to use the software on your domain for the lifetime of the domain.
Under no circumstances do we release non encrypted code for our software.

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Q. Currently my home page shows the order page. How and where do I edit my homepage?

A. To edit the page that is currently shown, while logged in as the admin go to the "Wizard Admin" (/admin/wizardadmin) and halfway down the page is a drop down to control the page that is shown for the home page.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I add the dynamic code ~orderbutton1~ to my button image on the order page so that it works for payment?

A. To put the button (~orderbutton1~) on the order page you would paste the code ~orderbutton1~ where you want the button to appear.  I'm not sure what you mean by dynamic.  If you mean that you want the payment to go directly to the member then you would need a pro system, with the commission tracking plugin, with direct payment turned on, and then you would link to the join page and payment to the member is made AFTER they create an account (a key difference as direct payment works opposite from a normal system).

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Question Keywords: order page, purchase system

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