Web Marketing Tool
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Do I own the rights to the software and code on...

Added: 03/14/2012   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   Do I own the rights to the software and code once I purchase?

Answer    No, you do not own the rights to the software/code.

Instead, you are given a license to use the software on your domain for the lifetime of the domain.
Under no circumstances do we release non encrypted code for our software.

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Q. Can I have FULL control of this Software and Host it On my own Server and do Changes on my Own and Own the software for Good?

A. YES, you have control over your Software and can modify it add tools or disable them as you like ! But the Software is hosted on our Servers !

NO, you can not install the software on your own server/host and modify it as needed.

However, we do allow you to have a dedicated server in your own name and have sFTP access to the server (our code is encrypted and locked to the server).

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Q. How do I change the copyright on the member's area pages?

A. We have to change the copyright message in the members area pages for you.

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Q. How do I create my own custom "Order Page" for when people want to purchase the software?

A. When logged in as the admin go to 'Edit Pages' then click 'Edit Order Page'.
Also, you can edit the html for the page by editing /adminpages/order.html

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Question Keywords: copyright, purchase system

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