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Can I have multiple capture pages?

Added: 07/13/2011   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   Can I have multiple capture pages?

Answer    Yes, You can have multiple capture pages.

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Q. Can I setup multiple capture pages at one time for all my Members, and can I pay you to do it for me if I want?

A. Yes, you can setup multiple capture pages for your Members to use at the same time.
Yes, we can install/setup the pages for you if you want.

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Q. Can you explain my options if I wanted to allow Members to choose between 2 different landing pages?

A. Yes, you can allow Members to specify different landing pages for each capture page.
You can also allow them to specify a default landing page for pages that do not have a specific link defined.
Members can browser through the thumbnails of landing pages and click a button beneath the thumbnail to make that page their default landing page.

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Q. Is it possible to password protect a page or even multiple pages?

A. Yes, You can make capture/landing pages password protected so a contact must enter their password to view it. This can be done without any coding knowledge.

Also, you can create resource pages in the Members Area for members to view without any coding knowledge.

Also, we have instructions for creating members area pages if you need to create custom member area pages that need custom php code added to them.

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