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How can I get CoinPayments Merchant ID and IPN...

Added: 08/08/2017   |   Updated: 8 Months Ago

Question   How can I get CoinPayments Merchant ID and IPN Secret Key?


If you do not have a Coinpayments account, you will need to sign up for one. You can begin by clicking HERE.

If you already have an account, you can click HERE to open a new window while you keep these instructions open here.

  • Once you are logged in go to My Account -> Account Settings
  • Copy your Your Merchant ID and paste it into the Your Merchant ID field in profile/settings page.
Account Settings
Account Settings

Click Merchant Settings section on the page and do the following:
  • Create an IPN Secret key and copy it into the IPN Secret field on this page.
  • Select HMAC for the IPN Verification Method.
  • Paste the following in the IPN URL field your-domain.com/catchcoinpayments.php
    IMPORTANT! You must use our CENTRAL PLATFORM NOTIFY URL for your payments to be automatically tracked and marked paid.
  • Click UPDATE ACCOUNT to save your settings at Coinpayments.net.

Be sure you click Save on this page to create your Coinpayments.net button.

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Q. How do I check if my PayPal ipn (instant payment notification) is setup correctly?


STEP 1) Click Profile

STEP 2) Click Instant Payment Notification Preferences

STEP 3) Check Settings

If it is turned off that is ok. If it is on and it is enabled that is ok. If it is on and disabled that is not ok. If it is on it MUST be enabled and if disabled you will need to edit it to enable it.

STEP 4) Enable IPN (optional)

This is only needed if IPN is already turned on. If turned on and it is disabled you will need to enable it. The Notification URL is not important as we set it in the payment button. Just it needs to be enabled (or turned off) as if it is on and disabled then the URL we set inside the button won't work.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I setup PayPal ipn (instant payment notification)?

A. By default PayPal IPN is enabled.  It is only turned off if you have previously turned it off in your PayPal account.  You can verify it is off if there is no record in the access log when a PayPal payment is made.

To turn on the PayPal IPN follow the instructions below.

- Login to your paypal Business account
- Go to Profile -> My Selling Tools
- Select Instant Payment Notifications -> Update

- Click choose IPN settings

- Select receive IPN Messages and leave Notify URL empty then click save

Ask For Clarification

Q. When creating account (membership not free) is it suspended immediately after creating or after 24h?

A. A member is suspended when their payment is canceled.  Our software is notified by an IPN when a subscription is canceled and the member is suspended immediately.  There is a setting that can be turned on to have them suspended when their next payment would have been due, but by default this is turned off, and this should be used carefully because it will suspend anyone that doesn't have a payment record.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How can I setup my Stripe billing info on direct payment system?

A. Stripe API

1- Login to your Stripe account

2- Click API on left menu

Stripe Webhook

3- Go to Webhook page then click Add endpoint button

IPN Settings

4- Create an endpoint with the following values:
URL: ~wmtsiteurl~/admin/stripenotify.php
Mode: Live
Send me all events (selected)
Then click Add endpoint button

API Keys

5- Go back to API page and copy both Publishable Key and Secret Key and paste them to your profile/settings page

Ask For Clarification

Q. Where is the Payza Security Code inside my Payza account?

A. 1- Login to your Payza account
2- Go to Business -> IPN Integration
3- Click Setup your IPN now button
4- Enter your Transaction PIN
5- Set 'IPN Status' to 'Enabled'
6- Leave '' as 'Disabled'
7- Set the Alert URL to ~wmtsiteurl~/payzacatch.php
8- Security code is "
9- Leave 'Test Mode' set to 'Disabled' and click 'Update'

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Question Keywords: ipn

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