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If I delete members is there a way to keep the ...

Added: 01/15/2019   |   Updated: 4 Years Ago

Question   If I delete members is there a way to keep the leads/members that they have generated?

Answer    When deleting a member the leads are deleted with the member.  So, you need to move the leads away from the member to a new member before deleting the member.  There isn't a quick way to do this.  Currently the only way is to transfer the leads one at a time from the contacts page.  However, we can do it all at once from the database.  If you let us know the id(s) of the member(s) you want deleted we can move all the leads over to the new member and it would only cost $1-$2 to do as a support request (and you can send as many as you want at once and it only costs the same, as long as the list is sent at the same time).

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Q. How do we DELETE test member accounts?

A. When logged in as the admin there is an option to delete members on the members page (/admin/members) if doing 1 at a time or in the delete members page (/admin/membersdelete) to delete many at a time.

Ask For Clarification

Q. When a member's account is deleted does the contacts inside his/her account move up to the member's sponsor?

A. No, any contacts in his account would be deleted.

Ask For Clarification

Q. I need to delete more than one member at a time, about a thousand. How can this be done quickly.

A. On the account home page , you will find on the right the "members" box, containing severl links , there is a link there named "delete members", it will take you to a page to delete the members you want

Ask For Clarification

Q. How to delete all members in a specific membership?

A. The easiest way, if possible, is in the database to temporarily make any suspended members active.  Then make all the members in the membership suspended.  Then from members delete to delete all suspended members.  Then suspend the members that were previously suspended.

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Question Keywords: delete account

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