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What the difference between converted leads and...

Added: 07/31/2019   |   Updated: 4 Years Ago

Question   What the difference between converted leads and active leads


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Q. With the SMS Marketing Tool is there a way to code in calls to action?

A. If by calls to action you mean that a member or contact takes an action and then an SMS message is sent to them then yes.  You can either hire us to set it up for you as a support request or if you have someone familiar with php you can do this with a few lines of code.


$message = "Example SMS Message";
$cellNumber = "555-555-5555";
$memberAID =  1;

$myMember = new Member();

Telecom::addSMS($message, $cellNumber, $myMember, time());

The standard member ~~ variables are converted when the actual message is sent.

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Q. What is an active/converted contact vs. any other?

A. These are the 2 contact groups that come installed with the software. You can add as many contact groups as you want.
  • Active contacts is the default contact group that contacts are added to if no other contact group is specified.
  • Contacts that join as a member are transferred from whatever contact group they belong to into the converted contacts group.

By default the active contact group has autoresponder messages assigned to it and the converted one does not.  The intention is so that when a member joins they stop receiving the marketing emails for presales contacts.  You can setup a series of autoresponder messages for the converted contacts.

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