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If I enable email signatures and send an email ...

Added: 07/26/2011   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   If I enable email signatures and send an email from my Members Area to everyone's contacts, would it pull their email signatures into the emails I send?


If signatures are turned on under "Advanced Features" then yes, the signatures would automatically be added to the broadcasts that you as the admin do on behalf of your contacts.

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Q. How do I remove the edit signature link from my Members Area?

A. 1- Go to "Advanced Features"
2- Then in the "Email" tab there is an option to "Use Signatures" or turn it off.

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Q. Can I add an email signature section to a profile that would display at the bottom of member's outgoing emails?


There are 2 ways to do this:

1 - The simplest way, is under "Advanced Features" inside of the "Email Settings" tab there is an option to allow member to use a signature.
When this is turned on, a new icon will appear from the members area called signature, where the members can go to put their signature using the WYSIWYG editor.
The signature will be added at the very bottom of the email.

2 - You can create a Text Area member variable, and then use the member variable ~~ code to put the signature inside of the email.
This method would put the spot for the signature onto the "Profile" page
(instead of it's own page like option 1), but it would be a text area, without a WYSIWYG editor.

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Question Keywords: email signature

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