Web Marketing Tool
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool


Title: Edit Billing   |   Tool: Edit Billing

Tilde Codes




Universal Tilde Codes


Language Codes

U = Universal
%l~laid~%1x Payment
%l~laid~%Add Contact
%l~laid~%Add Promo Code
%l~laid~%Advanced Features
%l~laid~%Amount of Discount
%l~laid~%Annual Payment
%l~laid~%Be sure to replace Username of the Member referring the sale with:
%l~laid~%Biannual Payment
%l~laid~%Billing Cycle
%l~laid~%By default, your payment button will appear at the bottom of the order page.
%l~laid~%Capture Pages
%l~laid~%Click 'Download Now>>'
%l~laid~%Contact Group
%l~laid~%Contact Groups
%l~laid~%Contact Us
%l~laid~%Content Groups
%l~laid~%Copy the 'Security Code' from Payza to the 'Security Code' field on the left.
%l~laid~%Create a Member
%l~laid~%Current Image
%l~laid~%Delete Photo
%l~laid~%Do Not Assign to Contact Group
%l~laid~%Drop Image Here
%l~laid~%Email Members
%l~laid~%Free Trial
%l~laid~%Getting Started
%l~laid~%Go to 'Business Tools' and under 'Instant Payment Notification IPN' select 'IPN Setup'.
%l~laid~%HTML Form Code
%l~laid~%Image (must be a jpg)
%l~laid~%In the 'Support' drop down select 'Download Center'
%l~laid~%Instead of the email, put your Web Services API Username
%l~laid~%Leave 'Allow Encrypted Return URL IPN' as 'Disabled'.
%l~laid~%Leave 'Test Mode' set to 'Disabled' and click 'Update'
%l~laid~%Login Name
%l~laid~%Login to First Data
%l~laid~%Login to Payza.
%l~laid~%Marketing Tools
%l~laid~%Member Variables
%l~laid~%Members Area
%l~laid~%Minimum Price
%l~laid~%Monthly Payment
%l~laid~%No Trial
%l~laid~%No additional setup required.
%l~laid~%Open the zipped file and inside of it open the file that ends with .auth.text and you will see the username and password listed in it. If you are unable to open the zip file send it to our support department for installation.
%l~laid~%Or Click Here to Upload
%l~laid~%Order Button Image
%l~laid~%Powered By
%l~laid~%ProPay Account Number
%l~laid~%ProPay certStr
%l~laid~%Promo Code
%l~laid~%Put 0 if you want the system to be free
%l~laid~%Put your tax id and click the download button next to 'For Web Service'
%l~laid~%Quarterly Payment
%l~laid~%Report Center
%l~laid~%Security Code
%l~laid~%Set 'IPN Status' to 'Enabled'.
%l~laid~%Set the Alert URL to
%l~laid~%Setup Instructions
%l~laid~%The url for your payment page is:
%l~laid~%The url to add this to a shopping cart is:
%l~laid~%To get your Web Service API Username and Password follow the steps below:
%l~laid~%Transaction Key
%l~laid~%Trial Amount
%l~laid~%Upload Photo
%l~laid~%View Contacts
%l~laid~%Web Service API Password
%l~laid~%Web Service Key Password
%l~laid~%Website Tools
%l~laid~%You can move it to a place other than the bottom by using this code in the order page editor:
%l~laid~%Your Domain Names
%l~laid~%Your Profile
%l~laid~%if not uploaded it will use the default image
%l~laid~%put 0 for free

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Reseller: WMT
(502) 225-3237