Where an editable page and the content of the order page can be edited.
Member Domains
Redirect URLs
Rotator Randomly rotate a URL between member's pages.
Everyone that fills out a capture page becomes a contact (lead).
Contact Groups
Group contacts and assign autoresponder series.
Contact Score
Contacts earn points from actions. Identify "hot leads" by score.
Contacts vs Members
The differences between contacts and members.
Content Groups Used for grouping pages, banners, email templates, and more. Requires a Pro system.
Members area documents that are used for many purposes.
Easily create your own members area pages using resource pages.
Members have their own login to the members area to manage their pages, contacts, etc.
Member Variables
Custom fields for the member. Used for many things.
Create FREE Members
How to create a free member.
Create an Account
How to create a new member.
Profile and Settings
Member's profile and settings page where they edit their details, upload images, and more.
With a pro system you can have multiple memberships. Each membership can have a fully customized members area.
3rd Party Autoresponders
Allows your members to use a third party autoresponse systems such as Aweber and GetResponse.
Bounced Email
Daily bounced emails are scanned inactivating contacts.
Report Center
Monitor contacts through contact reports, stats reports, billing reports, autoresponder subjects, capture page, campaigns, email sent, rotator, and multiple IPs.
SMS Notifications Members can receive SMS notifications when they receive new contacts or when they have appointments.
API Integration Instructions for how a developer can integrate your system into our system. Once a member joins your program their account is automatically created.