Web Marketing Tool
API Integration
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

Added: 08/09/2010   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago


Below are instructions on how your developer can integrate a third party system/software to communicate with our software.  One example of a possible use is to have it so that once a member joins or pays at a third party site their account is automatically created within your membership site.



URL To Send Request To:

Variables (POST/GET):

apikeyYes4.1The API Key found on the "Advanced Features" page in your software's members area. The API Key is used to authenticate the request.
emailYes4.1The email address of the contact being retrieved.
ausernameNo*4.1The username of the member that this contact belongs to.  If neither ausername, aid, nor aemail is provided then an error will be thrown.
aidNo*4.1The id of the member that this contact belongs to.  If neither ausername, aid, nor aemail is provided then an error will be thrown.
aemailNo*4.1The email of the member that this contact belongs to.  If neither ausername, aid, nor aemail is provided then an error will be thrown.
subjectYes4.1Title of the email that is being sent
messageYes4.1Content of the email that is being sent
Returns "Success" if the update is successful. Otherwise it returns an error message describing the issue.

Sample PHP Code:


URL To Send Request To:

Variables (POST/GET):

apikeyYes4.1The API Key found on the "Advanced Features" page in your software's members area. The API Key is used to authenticate the request.
usernameNo*4.1The username of the member that the credits should be added to. If neither username, affid, nor email is provided then an error will be thrown.
emailNo*4.3The email of the member that the credits should be added to. If neither username, affid, nor email is provided then an error will be thrown.
affidNo*4.3The id of the member that the credits should be added to. If neither username, affid, nor email is provided then an error will be thrown.
creditsYes4.1The amount of sms credits to add to the members account.
Returns "Success" if the update is successful. Otherwise it returns an error message describing the issue.

Sample URL:


URL To Send Request To:

Variables (POST/GET):

apikeyYes4.21The API Key found on the "Advanced Features" page in your software's members area. The API Key is used to authenticate the request.
userNo*4.21Either user OR affid OR email is required.  The username of the member that the form should belong to.
affidNo*4.21Either user OR affid OR email is required.  The id of the member that the form should belong to.
emailNo*4.21Either user OR affid OR email is required.  The email of the member that the form should belong to.

Below are separate tables for each action showing the additional variables available for that action:
Action = 1  Get Available Form Templates (no additional fields required)
Action = 2  Get Custom Fields For A Specific Form Template
templateidYes4.2The id of the form template from which the custom fields should be retrieved.
Action = 3  Get HTML Code For A Specific Form Template
templateidYes4.2The id of the form template from which the html code should be retrieved.
ftc#No4.2# is the id of the custom form field returned in action 2.  If this is provided then it uses the value provided for the custom form field.  Otherwise it uses the default value specified for the custom form field.
groupNo4.2The contact group that the contact should be assigned to after filling out the form.  If not provided the default value is: 1
redirectNo4.2The url that a contact should be redirected to after filling out the form.  If not provided uses the value set under advanced features, or if that is blank, uses the value set under my personal info for the member.
campaignNo4.2The campaign that the contact should be assigned to after filling out the form.
If there is an error it returns an error message or "0".
Action 1: Returns JSON code containing a list of id's for the available form templates.

Sample URL:

Member Notification Email

URL To Send Request To:

Variables (POST/GET):

apikeyYes4.22The API Key found on the "Advanced Features" page in your software's members area. The API Key is used to authenticate the request.
userNo*4.22Either user OR affid OR email is required.  The username of the member that the form should belong to.
affidNo*4.22Either user OR affid OR email is required.  The id of the member that the form should belong to.
emailNo*4.22Either user OR affid OR email is required.  The email of the member that the form should belong to.
mneidYes4.22The id of the member notification email to send
If there is an error it returns an error message or "0".  If it is successful it returns 1.

Sample URL:

Ad Coop API

URL To Send Request To:

Variables (POST/GET):

apikeyYes4.22The API Key found on the "Advanced Features" page in your software's members area. The API Key is used to authenticate the request.
userNo*4.22Either user OR affid OR email is required.  The username of the member that the form should belong to.
affidNo*4.22Either user OR affid OR email is required.  The id of the member that the form should belong to.
emailNo*4.22Either user OR affid OR email is required.  The email of the member that the form should belong to.
acidYes4.22The id of the ad coop to apply shares to
qtyYes4.22The quantity of shares to be added
expireNo4.22The amount of days after today that the shares should expire.  If not provided uses the amount of days specified for the ad coop
If there is an error it returns an error message or "0".  If it is successful it returns 1.

Sample URL:

How to Use the API

First, to use the API requires php knowledge.  If you do not have php knowledge, and do not have a developer on your team with the knowledge, we can set it up for you as a support request.

Step 1: Get Your API Key
The first step is to setup and get your API key.  You will find the API key in Advanced Features under the "Misc" tab.

Step 2: Create the PHP Code
After you have the API key you are ready to create the php code that calls the API.  In the box below is sample php code you could use for calling the API to create a new member.  All you would need to do is replace the values for the variables listed at the top with your own values:

Questions And Answers

Do you have an API to connect on my system,so whenever my members will not pay on my system it will cancel automatically all of his landing pages and are we later able to enable him?

If I provide the API key to a third party affiliate program, will a new member signup in that program automatically create an account in my site for that member?

What is an API?

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