Web Marketing Tool
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

Added: 08/09/2010   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago
Member Variables
Custom fields for the member. Used for many things.

Create FREE Members
How to create a free member.

Create an Account
How to create a new member.

Profile and Settings
Member's profile and settings page where they edit their details, upload images, and more.

With a pro system you can have multiple memberships. Each membership can have a fully customized members area.


Members have their own login and are able to view the members area pages (the pages in the /admin folder).

Managing Members

Viewing/Editing Members

Member Passwords

Member passwords are encrypted providing additional security. This also means it is impossible to find out what a members password is. You can easily login to any member's account from the member's page by clicking the login button without needing to know the member's password.

Resetting the Password

If a member forgets their password the only option is to reset their password giving them a new password.

Failed Logins

If a member tries to login unsuccessfully 7 times in a row their account becomes locked. Locked accounts are automatically unlocked each night. Also, on the members page after clicking the view icon there is a link you can click to unlock the member's account.

Member Profile, Settings and Notifications

There are 3 separate pages where members can edit their personal info and settings. The profile page and settings page are very similar and nearly all the items on the 2 pages are interchangable between each other and can be combined into one page if preferred. your-domain.com/admin/profile
The profile page is where a member can edit their personl information such as their name, address, and avatar (profile image).

The notifications page is specifically for members to select what types of notifications they want to receive such as email and sms new contact notifications.

Members Area Pages

Members area pages are any of the pages that exist in the admin folder. Every viewable members area page has an html template file for it in the /adminpages folder. Most members area pages require a member to be logged in to see it, however, there are a few members area pages, like the join, order, contact us and login page that can be seen without being logged in.

Member Variables

Member variables allow you to create your own fields for members to enter their data. For example, you can create a member variable for members to enter their Facebook username or PayPal email. Members variables can be used throughout the system allowing you to show a member their referrer's (parent's) value on any page or email sent. For example you can make a link to the referrer's (parent's) Facebook page or business opportunity signup page. Learn more about member variables.

Questions And Answers

Can I have unlimited members?

How do we DELETE test member accounts?

How do I reset a member's password?

How can I see the amount of hits a member is receiving without having to login to their statistics individually?

On the "Members page" we can "activate" them. What does it mean to "activate" them?

If I have several membership types and they are free, how I can have it so a member is put into that membership when they join?

In the genealogy list will there be a different color for third and fourth level similar to how the second level is yellow?

How can I prevent anyone from creating an account in my software without my approval; and at the same time allow others to join for free?

How do my members refer people to the software?

A member is saying their login is not working and when they click on the link to reset it, it says the link is no longer valid. Why?

Is it possible to edit the username portion of the url: domainname.com/username?

Is it possible to copy our current database of members from one software to another?

How do I login as a member?

Would it be best to create a separate account for me to use or should I set up the admin account for my use just like any other member would do?

How do I fix a member that has the username of TEMP987?

What is the difference between parent and original parent?

How many emails can my members send a month/day and how many emails can i send a month/day?

How do I manually mark a member as paid (when paying by cash/check, or giving a free month)?

How we can see if our members have logged in or not?

How do I unlock a member's account after they have unsuccessfully tried to login several times and locked their account?

What's the URL for memebers to join my website?

As part of each Members 'Member Area' do they have access to view their progress, reports and status of their organization?

Is there an export function that is easily exported to CSV?

How do I modify the email that is sent notifying a member that a member joined under them to include the name, phone, and email?

In the genealogy report what does this mean: *Member MUST Qualify* *Member NOT REQUIRED To Qualify*

Is it possible for a member to use their ID# instead of their username?

I need to delete more than one member at a time, about a thousand. How can this be done quickly.

Is there a way to track and continue to score what new members do after they join?

Where can I change the Members Spotlight?

When a member's account is deleted does the contacts inside his/her account move up to the member's sponsor?

Take the "Members" Quiz

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