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What is the difference between parent and origi...

Added: 06/11/2013   |   Updated: 11 Years Ago

Question   What is the difference between parent and original parent?

Answer    If a system is a passup system or a matrix the parent is the member that the person is currently assigned to and the original parent is the person that originally sponsored the person.

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Pass UP Compensation Plans


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Q. How do I make it so that after they put in their referral id number, and it shows up on their landing page links they get credit from the parent offer they will be promoting?

A. You would setup a member variable.  Then, you would edit the link to include the ~~ code for the member variable inside of the link.  For example, a link might look like:

The example above shows how you would put the ~~ code inside of the link in the spot where the member's value should appear.

Ask For Clarification

Q. What is a original parent bonus?

A. It is a bonus that is given to the original person to refer the new Member.
In cases of a passup plan, where Members are passed up, this is the person that made the original referral before the new member was passed up.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is it possible to use transparent value for border-color property?

A. Yes

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Q. What is the transparent area outside the border called?

A. Margin

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I add Facebook comments to the bottom of a page?

A. Below is the code to insert to add facebook comments to a page (exa: members area home page /admin)

Replace "http://example.com" with your website domain

You can control the displayed number of posts by changing "data-num-posts" value

Also you can control plugin width by changing "data-width" value.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How can a member share a page? I activated it under the memberships but do not see how to do it once I am in an account.
Q. What's tilde code for signed up member's ip address in create account welcome email?
Q. What's tilde code for signed up member's last name / email and phone in New Member Notification To parent Email?
Q. When using member variables if we suspend a member, does the system look for the next un-suspended member's variable upline?

Question Keywords: parent

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