A member is saying their login is not working a...
Added: 03/21/2012 | Updated: 10 Years Ago
Question A member is saying their login is not working and when they click on the link to reset it, it says the link is no longer valid. Why?
The password reset link is only valid for the same day it was sent. They would need to go to the forgotten password page and request to reset their password again. Let us know if you have issues with links sent the same day and if possible provide the link being used.
A.Yes, go to "View Members" and click the "view" buton next to the Member and there is a section at the bottom of the popup that will appear showing the login history.
and towards the bottom you will see "Login Redirect URL".
Change this to the url of the page you want a person sent to once they login. Often the easiest approach is to create a resource page with the content you want a person to see when they login, and then set the "Login Redirect URL" to the resource page.