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Is there an export function that is easily expo...

Added: 04/05/2012   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   Is there an export function that is easily exported to CSV?

Answer    Yes, Members can export their contacts to a csv file.
As the admin you can export all of your Members to csv or also export all of the contacts for all of the Members to csv.

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Q. Is there an import function that is easily map-able from a csv file?

A. Yes, you are able to import both contacts and Members from a csv file.  You can also allow your Members to import contacts themselves via a csv file.

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Q. Is there anyway to tie together sending a payment and payment being marked as paid?

A. Export Commission Report

, in the Share page "referral program" click export to Excel icon

Using this feature you can export a csv file to use for mass payment in PayPal or Payza, and it marks everyone in the report as paid when generating the report.

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Q. Will I be able to upload my csv file for my subscribers? Also is there a limit to subscribers?

A. Yes, you can import your contacts  CSV to your account
the limit depends on your membership
If you're admin(own a website), you can set your members' limit

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Question Keywords: csv, export

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