A. Yes, Members can export their contacts to a csv file.
As the admin you can export all of your Members to csv or also export all of the contacts for all of the Members to csv.
A. Under
advanced features change "Software Is Free" to No.
Then, on the join page (/join), you can either enter the email addresses of the people you want to give free accounts to on the right form
OR fill out the left form to create a free account.
Also, you can import several members at once from .csv file using the import members section.
A. First, you have to login to your system. Look for and click the import contacts link.
Then you will be redirected to a page where you have to upload the CSV file containing a list of the contacts to upload.
And once you've uploaded the file. Scroll all the way down, and from there you will see a dropdown for the contact groups. So each contact groups have different sets of autoresponder messages.
A. When a payment is made, an Member receives a commission set by the admin. They can see the amounts earned in their members area.
The admin is able to see their balance and has reports for making payouts.
There is also the ability to export csv files for mass payment through Payza and PayPal.