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How can I create an email like sales@domainname...

Added: 07/25/2012   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   How can I create an email like sales@domainname.com?

Answer    In the WMT Client Admin, under your site, under the site tab, there is an email tab where you can add emails at.
Also, every Member in your software has an email created that forwards to the email they put under My Personal Info.
So, if you create an Member with a username of "sales" then it will also create an email for you.

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Email Accounts

Still Don't Understand?

Fill out the form below to ask for further clarification about this question:


Q. Where do I edit the new Member welcome email?

A. When logged in as the admin go to "Autoresponder Emails" then at the bottom click on "Create New Account Email".

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I change who an email is sent from and the reply email when sending mail to members?

A. The emails sent by the admin to an Member will show the admin's name and email set under My Personal Info for the reply email.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I modify the email that is sent notifying a member that a member joined under them to include the name, phone, and email?

A. Autoresponder Emails

1. When logged in as the admin go to "Autoresponder Emails".

New Member Notification Email

2. Towards the bottom of the page click the "New Member Notification To Sponsor Email" link.

3. Put the following codes where you want each of the values to display:
    • ~fname~ = First Name
    • ~lname~ = Last Name
    • ~phone~ = Phone
    • ~email~ = Email

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I change the initial email that goes out when someone makes an account with us?

A. Create New Account Email

When logged in as the admin go to "Edit Messages" then at the bottom click on "Create New Account Email".

Ask For Clarification

Q. In "advanced features" --> "email technical" --> no-reply@domainname.com - How do I access those emails?

A. In WMT Client Admin, under your site, under the site tab there is an email tab that shows login details for emails.
However, the no-reply email is controlled by our software because the software removes emails that bounce
(it inactivates the contacts if their email bounces).

NOTE: Best not to delete emails sent to no-reply@

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I edit the email sent after double opt-in confirmation?
Q. When I (admin) update the system autoresponders messages is there a way I can push these changes to all members?

Question Keywords: edit email

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