Web Marketing Tool
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Where do people join the software? Do I need a ...

Added: 01/13/2013   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago

Question   Where do people join the software? Do I need a join now button?

Answer    Yes, you should add a button.
How you set it up depends on if you are giving the software away for free or charging Members for membership.
If charging, then you should link to /order and you should setup buttons under "Manage Billing".
If free, you should link to /join.
If you are tracking referrals you should add /~username~ to the end of the links when placing them in pages throughout the system/site.

NOTE: If you prefer, you can open a support request for us to setup buttons for you.

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Q. On the join page how do I remove the redirect url?

A. In your members area, go to the "Advanced Features" page, then click on the "Misc" tab, then put the url for your webinar page in the "Redirect Page" field.
Put the full url, including http://. 
Also, put ?user=~username~ at the end of the url so that it will go to the appropriate member's page.


Ask For Clarification

Q. Are the sign up page and welcome page subject to the usual HTML editing?

A. Yes.

Ask For Clarification

Q. When I create a new membership where does the option to buy it show up?

A. The option to order the membership does not appear automatically.  You have to add an option for it.  To add a new billing option when logged in as the admin go to "Manage Billing" and there you can add a billing option and specify which membership it is for.  The default setting is it automatically adds the order button to the bottom of the page /admin/order.php.  You can also position the button anywhere in the order page, or in any other editable capture page, by using the ~~ code specified for the order button.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Can I create a button by using the button generator in my Paypal account and use it as the payment button when a member joins?

A. No, for it to track properly it should be created inside of the software.
However, once created in the software, then you can go and copy the code and place it on a different site.

Ask For Clarification

Q. When someone joins at yourdomain.com/join can I control the email that goes out to them?

A. Yes.

Autoresponder Emails

When logged in as the admin go to "Autoresponder Emails"

Edit Create New Account Email

Click "Edit Create New Account Email"

On that page you can edit the content of the email sent after a member creates an account at yoursite.com/join

Ask For Clarification

Q. What is the name of the create account page and how do I change it?
Q. How do I have it redirect directly to the create account page from PayPal without it requiring them to click a button to proceed?
Q. With direct payment how do I add the buy now button?
Q. How do I add the dynamic code ~orderbutton1~ to my button image on the order page so that it works for payment?
Q. When we send emails to members can they unsubscribe?
Q. How do I add an order button to a page?

Question Keywords: order button, subscribe, join page

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