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Are the sign up page and welcome page subject t...

Added: 03/13/2012   |   Updated: 12 Years Ago

Question   Are the sign up page and welcome page subject to the usual HTML editing?

Answer    Yes.

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Q. How can I specify a default content group and primary page to the join page using html code?


Default Primary Page

To specify the default primary page add a hidden input with the name of capturepage.  For example:
<input type="hidden" name="capturepage" value="FILENAME.php">

Default Content Group

There is no way to do this through html.  However, you can control what the default content group is when editing membership from /admin/memberships

Alternative: Use PHP

If this does not work for what you are trying to do (exa: You need it specific for a promotion, not a membership), the other way to do it would be to use php code and putting a hook for do-join.php page.

The best hook to use is a special one in the middle of the file.

To do it create a file called do-join-midhook.php and put the php code for editing the default content group in that file.  There is an object for the member called $member that can be used with the method setPrimaryCGroup(#) for the primary content group.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I have it redirect directly to the create account page from PayPal without it requiring them to click a button to proceed?

A. With PayPal, after a person pays, they are required to click a button (that is not noticable to many people) to continue back to your site to finish the join process.  This can cause many people to get stuck in the PROCESSING mode.  With PayPal, you can have it to automatically redirect to your website after payment so the person is not required to click on a button to proceed.  To do this, you must turn this on within your PayPal account.

Ask For Clarification

Q. What are the tilde codes available for the "New Member Notification To Admin Email"?

A. ~membership~ = Title of the Member's Membership
~password~ = Member's Password
~username~ = Member's Username
~fname~ = Member's First Name
~lname~ = Member's Last Name
~email~ = Member's Email
~phone~ = Member's Phone
~siteurl~ = The domain name of the site
~burl~ = The domain name of the site with /admin added to it (DEPRECATED)
~address~ = Member's Address
~city~ = Member's City
~state~ = Member's State
~zipcode~ = Member's Zipcode
~ip~ = Member's IP

Ask For Clarification

Q. What's tilde code for signed up member's last name / email and phone in New Member Notification To Parent Email?

A. ~membership~ = Title of the Member's Membership
~siteurl~ = The domain name of the site
~fname~ = Member's First Name
~lname~ = Member's Last Name
~email~ = Member's Email
~phone~ = Member's Phone
~username~ = Member's Username
~parentfirstname~ = Parent's First Name (5.0+)
~parentlastname~ = Parent's Last Name (5.0+)
~afname~ = Parent's First Name (DEPRECATED)
~alname~ = Parent's Last Name (DEPRECATED)
~sitetitle~ = The title of the site (system)

Ask For Clarification

Q. What's tilde code for signed up member's ip address in create account welcome email?

A. ~membership~ = Title of the Member's Membership
~password~ = Member's Password
~username~ = Member's Username
~fname~ = Member's First Name
~email~ = Member's Email
~url~ = Member's Redirect URL
~ip~ = Member's IP (5.0+)
~parentusername~ = Parent's Username
~parentphone~ = Parent's Phone
~parentemail~ = Parent's Email
~parentlastname~ = Parent's Last Name
~parentfirstname~ = Parent's First Name
~surl~ = The domain name of the site (DEPRECATED)
~siteurl~ = The domain name of the site (5.0+)
~burl~ = The domain name of the site with /admin added to it (DEPRECATED)

Ask For Clarification

Q. If a person wants to add their opt-in form to a 3rd party website where do they get the HTML form code.
Q. Which of the following attributes of the tag displays alternate text for the image?
Q. Where do people join the software? Do I need a join now button?
Q. How do I change the initial email that goes out when someone makes an account with us?
Q. When new members order they get a welcome e-mail (here is your capture page) how do we affect which capture page is in that welcome e-mail?
Q. Can it be setup so that a youtube video link can be pasted in the HTML on the about me page?
Q. What is the name of the create account page and how do I change it?
Q. What's the URL for memebers to join my website?
Q. When someone joins at yourdomain.com/join can I control the email that goes out to them?
Q. Where do I edit the new Member welcome email?
Q. Is the "welcome page" that shows after a person joins editable, and if so, how?
Q. How do I insert php or html code into the head of all the pages?
Q. On the join page how do I remove the redirect url?

Question Keywords: welcome page, sign up, html code, join page

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