Added: 05/23/2016 | Updated: 8 Years Ago
Question How can I specify a default content group and primary page to the join page using html code?
Default Primary Page
To specify the default primary page add a hidden input with the name of
capturepage. For example:
<input type="hidden" name="capturepage" value="
Default Content Group
There is no way to do this through html. However, you can control what the default content group is when editing membership from /admin/memberships
Alternative: Use PHP
If this does not work for what you are trying to do (exa: You need it specific for a promotion, not a membership), the other way to do it would be to use php code and putting a hook for do-join.php page.
The best hook to use is a special one in the middle of the file.
To do it create a file called
do-join-midhook.php and put the php code for editing the default content group in that file. There is an object for the member called
$member that can be used with the method
setPrimaryCGroup(#) for the primary content group.