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What does group content mean?

Added: 08/12/2012   |   Updated: 11 Years Ago

Question   What does group content mean?

Answer    Content groups allow you to group your capture pages, banners, and email templates into groups so it is easier to manage. Different groups can be different programs, different languages, ect.

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Content Groups

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Q. How do I assign a page to a content group?

A. Edit Pages

Login as the admin and go to "Edit Pages"

Edit the page

Click the first edit icon to edit the page (admin mode)

Select content group

Select a content group then click the "Add to Group" button

Ask For Clarification

Q. How can I specify a default content group and primary page to the join page using html code?


Default Primary Page

To specify the default primary page add a hidden input with the name of capturepage.  For example:
<input type="hidden" name="capturepage" value="FILENAME.php">

Default Content Group

There is no way to do this through html.  However, you can control what the default content group is when editing membership from /admin/memberships

Alternative: Use PHP

If this does not work for what you are trying to do (exa: You need it specific for a promotion, not a membership), the other way to do it would be to use php code and putting a hook for do-join.php page.

The best hook to use is a special one in the middle of the file.

To do it create a file called do-join-midhook.php and put the php code for editing the default content group in that file.  There is an object for the member called $member that can be used with the method setPrimaryCGroup(#) for the primary content group.

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Q. How do I set a banner to a specific content group (Exa: MBA Invite)? Where do I go to see the banner inside the content group once it has been added?

A. To assign a banner for a content group :

Edit banner

Go to manage banners ---> Click on edit banner icon

Assign banner to content group

Select a content group from dropdown then click add to content group button

To see banners added for a specific group, login as any member from this group membership and go to his banners page, the added banner should be there

Ask For Clarification

Q. After installing a page, how do we make it visible to the members?

A. If you are using a basic system it is already visible unless you go back and hide it when editing the page.

If you are using a pro system you need to add the page to a content group in order for it to show.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I assign a banner to a membership?

A. Only our Tool Truck software supports assigning a banner to a membership or content group. All banners must be assigned to a content group in order for them to show. Content groups work like categories so if the banner is not in any content group it has no category that it shows under. Both content groups and banners can be assigned to memberships. If a content group is a assigned to a membership(s) then only those memberships the content group is assigned to are able to view the banner because only they can see the content group. If you also assign the banner itself to a membership then only the membership(s) you assign it to can see the banner IF they are also able to see one of the content groups the banner is assigned to (both criteria must be satisfied).

How to Assign a Banner to a Membership

To assign a banner to a specific membership go to /admin/managebanners.php and click edit icon next to the banner you want to assign to a specific membership.

Select a membership and then save changes.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I control what capture pages, banners, and autoresponders that a membership has access to?
Q. When using direct payment option how can a person upgrade and have more then 1 membership?
Q. Is there a practical way using your software to have multiple funnel systems under one umbrella?

Question Keywords: content group

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