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With direct payment how do I add the buy now bu...

Added: 02/01/2013   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago

Question   With direct payment how do I add the buy now button?

Answer    Create a link to your join (create account page) and have the username in the page.
So, for example, if putting it into the WYSIWYG editor you would use this URL:

With direct payment, members first join then afterwards are taken to a page to make payment.

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Q. When I create a new membership where does the option to buy it show up?

A. The option to order the membership does not appear automatically.  You have to add an option for it.  To add a new billing option when logged in as the admin go to "Manage Billing" and there you can add a billing option and specify which membership it is for.  The default setting is it automatically adds the order button to the bottom of the page /admin/order.php.  You can also position the button anywhere in the order page, or in any other editable capture page, by using the ~~ code specified for the order button.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I add an order button to a page?

A. There are different ways you can create billing buttons. The easiest option is to use the ~~ code in the WYSIWYG editor. The ~~ code for each billing option can be found on the manage billing page (/admin/managebilling).

Go to manage billing and find the billing option you want to add and get the ~~ code for the button.  For example: ~orderbutton10~

When editing a page put that ~~ code (exa: ~orderbutton10~) where you want to add the button.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I add the dynamic code ~orderbutton1~ to my button image on the order page so that it works for payment?

A. To put the button (~orderbutton1~) on the order page you would paste the code ~orderbutton1~ where you want the button to appear.  I'm not sure what you mean by dynamic.  If you mean that you want the payment to go directly to the member then you would need a pro system, with the commission tracking plugin, with direct payment turned on, and then you would link to the join page and payment to the member is made AFTER they create an account (a key difference as direct payment works opposite from a normal system).

Ask For Clarification

Q. When using direct payment option how can a person upgrade and have more then 1 membership?

A. A member cannot belong to more than 1 membership. Instead, you can setup so each membership has different content.
Then make the membership that the member upgrades to include all the content from the member's original membership.
You can do this by setting up content groups and attaching them to content.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Where do people join the software? Do I need a join now button?

A. Yes, you should add a button.
How you set it up depends on if you are giving the software away for free or charging Members for membership.
If charging, then you should link to /order and you should setup buttons under "Manage Billing".
If free, you should link to /join.
If you are tracking referrals you should add /~username~ to the end of the links when placing them in pages throughout the system/site.

NOTE: If you prefer, you can open a support request for us to setup buttons for you.

Ask For Clarification

Q. When using direct payment, if I add a new membership how can I add an option for visitors to order it?
Q. Can I create a button by using the button generator in my Paypal account and use it as the payment button when a member joins?
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Q. With direct payment where would the sponsor go to mark people as paid?
Q. With direct payment is it possible to collect name and email only and have them create account with name, address etc in (my personal info) after they are inside?
Q. With direct payment is it possible to allow Members to pay first then after payment create their account?
Q. When using direct payment, how can a sponsor manually mark someone in their downline as paid?
Q. Is Solid Trust Pay supported when using direct payment?
Q. With direct payment if we do a monthly PayPal subscription and the customer cancels will the software automatically suspend?
Q. What is the maximum and minimum size an order button can be for the payment page?
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Question Keywords: order button, direct pay

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