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How many contacts can come in the software per ...

Added: 02/03/2013   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   How many contacts can come in the software per a day?

There is NO LIMIT on the number of contacts that can come into the software.
You can set a limit on the the number of emails that can be sent per day.

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Q. Is there a limit to the number of Contacts "I" (admin) can upload in one file?

A. From our current experiences our software can handle 15,000 - 25,000 contacts being imported at once.
Please let us know if your findings are different.

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Q. how many contact groups can a member have?

A. There is no limit to the amount of contact groups members can have.

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Q. How can I limit the amount of contacts a member can add a day?

A. Go to advanced features - under misc tab you will find something called "Manually Adding Contacts" ,this is where you can control how many contacts your members are allowed to add.

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Question Keywords: number contact

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