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Is there a limit to the number of Contacts "I" ...

Added: 03/31/2012   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   Is there a limit to the number of Contacts "I" (admin) can upload in one file?

Answer    From our current experiences our software can handle 15,000 - 25,000 contacts being imported at once.
Please let us know if your findings are different.

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Q. Can I import my existing contacts or purchased contacts into your software?

A. Yes. However we mantain the right to restrict you from importing contacts purchased from certain places. Our main objective is to prevent our software from being used to SPAM people. As long as you have acquired the contacts from a reputable source we do not have an issue.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How can I import contacts into a member's account into a specific autoresponder series (contact group)?

A. Import Contacts

First, you have to login to your system. Look for and click the import contacts link.

Upload Contacts List

Then you will be redirected to a page where you have to upload the CSV file containing a list of the contacts to upload.

Import Settings

And once you've uploaded the file. Scroll all the way down, and from there you will see a dropdown for the contact groups. So each contact groups have different sets of autoresponder messages. 

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I allow members to import contacts?

A. 1- Login to your client admin then go to Advanced features

2- Click on the Misc tab, in the import contacts field change to yes (allow Members to import contacts themselves).

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is there an import function that is easily map-able from a CSV file?

A. Yes, you are able to import both contacts and Members from a csv file.  You can also allow your Members to import contacts themselves via a csv file.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I import Contacts?

A. Import Contacts

When logged in as the admin there is a "Import Contacts" option.

Import Contacts Button

Once you click on this you are taken to a page where you can upload a csv file of Members you want imported.

Ask For Clarification

Q. When a member's account is deleted does the contacts inside his/her account move up to the member's sponsor?
Q. Is there a members area page where members can manually add contacts?
Q. Can import - I assume this means contacts from another source?
Q. how many contacts can come in the software per a day?
Q. Can members capture contacts using their capture page and store them under a particular contact group?
Q. how many contact groups can a member have?
Q. Why am I getting the following error when trying to opt-into?

Q. How can I limit the amount of contacts a member can add a day?

Question Keywords: import contact, number contact

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