Web Marketing Tool
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How can I access the new member's data on do-jo...

Added: 05/23/2016   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago

Question   How can I access the new member's data on do-join-hook.php (username, first name, etc)?

Answer    You can access the $_POST object or the $member variable (which is a Member object of the member).

For the -hook.php file (the default one called at the end of a file) you will need to declare variables as being global to have access to them.
Exa 1st line of code:
global $member, $_POST;

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Q. What happens if I have a Member with the username TEMP and I change it?

A. A username of TEMP987 means the person didn't complete the setup process and needs to finish creating the account (and then it will change from TEMP987).
If you manually modify the TEMP987 record while logged in as the admin to something else,
then the Member account that was TEMP987 is not completely setup and doesn't have it's primary capture page loaded and other minor issues like not having a signature loaded.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is it possible to edit the username portion of the url: domainname.com/username?

A. Yes, it can be changed, but you need to be logged in as the admin to change it.  You can either send the change request to your site admin, or let us know what you want your new username to be.

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Q. How do I fix a member that has the username of TEMP987?

A. The processing records are Members that paid, but never filled out the form to create their account.
The process is, they pay first, and then afterwards go to the join page to create their account.
When they pay, the processing record is created, and then when they fill out the form, it is populated with their information.
If they pay, but never fill out the form, then they will show up as processing until they create their account.
With these records, you should send them to the join page to finish creating their account.

Don't try to edit the processing records yourself by putting in their information
(the processing account is missing several things and needs to go through the join process),
instead, fill out the form on the join page using the same email that shows for processing.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is there a way to change my username in Web Marketing Tool (WMT Client Admin)?

A. Yes, but we have to make the change for you.  You would simply need to email us your old username and what you want your new username to be.

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